PDF Ebook Bruce Lee: A Life, by Matthew Polly
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Bruce Lee: A Life, by Matthew Polly

PDF Ebook Bruce Lee: A Life, by Matthew Polly
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"The first noteworthy treatment of its subject—and a definitive one at that...Fascinating narrative threads proliferate." —The New York Times Book Review"Bruce Lee: A Life by Matthew Polly is the first in-depth account of Lee's journey from a street-brawling teenager to a global icon…Lee's charisma, ambition and relentless appetite for combat leap off the pages.” —CNN"Spirited celebration of the life of 'the Patron Saint of Kung Fu,' a stalwart of pop culture whose career is due for a revival....Students of martial arts, film history, and the 1970s alike will find much to enjoy in Polly's homage." —Kirkus Review"This thorough, well-sourced biography from Polly is an engrossing examination of the life of a martial arts movie star and his shocking, early death....In what is certainly the definitive biography of Lee, Polly wonderfully profiles the man who constructed a new, masculine Asian archetype and ushered kung fu into pop culture." —Publisher's Weekly, starred review"The first authoritative biography of the martial arts teacher and movie star, who died mysteriously at 32 but whose films, like Enter the Dragon, still thrill decades later." —Los Angeles Times Book Review"It’s difficult to imagine a more comprehensive account of Bruce Lee’s short but influential life than this one....Polly charts the course of Lee’s life in careful, precise detail. His admiration for Lee comes through on nearly every page, but this no hagiography: the author doesn’t skim lightly over Lee’s drug use or infidelity, nor does he shy away from the sordid circumstances surrounding Lee’s death. A fascinating story of a remarkable figure in popular culture, this is the biography Bruce Lee’s legion of fans have been waiting for." —Booklist"Matthew Polly’s 'Bruce Lee: A Life' is proof that dogged research and sharp insight lie at the foundation of any successful biography. Its 600-plus pages suggest a definitive work to satisfy Lee’s fans and spark curiosity in a new generation." —Associated Press"Matthew Polly’s new biography is long overdue but does Hong Kong’s most famous son proud....The writer vividly describes how Lee mastered and advanced various martial arts forms, and he exercises a pleasing biographical rigour, with extensive notes and citations, as well as a 14-page bibliography....engaging, enthusiastic and empathetic." —South China Morning Post Magazine“This book succeeds in capturing [Lee’s] energy and achievements, a volley of incident that rarely lets up… Stories whirl past with nunchaku-like speed…Polly’s narrative rarely loses its ripped-and-shredded shape…For anyone curious about Lee’s legacy, it’s a roundhouse kick of a biography.” —Sunday Times of London"Shockingly, the first biography of Bruce Lee (1940–73) in more than two decades....it reads quickly owing to Polly's strength as a writer. Starting with Lee's two funerals, one in China, and one in Seattle, the startling pictures of his immense popularity bring readers into Lee's world immediately....The photographs are tremendous, and the concluding epilogue, Lee family tree, filmography, notes, and bibliography make this a great reference source. Fans of Lee will flock to this title, as will anyone interested in pop culture and martial arts, of which Lee's stature is immense. Highly recommended." —Library Journal (starred review)
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Matthew Polly is the national bestselling author of American Shaolin, Tapped Out, and Bruce Lee. A Princeton University graduate and Rhodes Scholar, he spent two years studying kung fu at the Shaolin Temple in Henan, China. His writing has appeared in The Washington Post, Esquire, Slate, Playboy, and The Nation. He is a fellow at Yale University and lives in New Haven, Connecticut.
Taschenbuch: 656 Seiten
Verlag: Simon & Schuster; Auflage: Reprint (4. Juni 2019)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1501187635
ISBN-13: 978-1501187636
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 3,8 x 21,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 207.321 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
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