PDF-Download Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It, by Chris Voss Tahl Raz
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Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It, by Chris Voss Tahl Raz

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"This book blew my mind. It's a riveting read, full of instantly actionable advice - not just for high-stakes negotiations, but also for handling everyday conflicts at work and at home." -- Adam Grant, Wharton professor and bestselling author of ORIGINALS and GIVE AND TAKE "Emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence without sacrificing deal-making power. From the pen of a former hostage negotiator - someone who couldn't take no for an answer - which makes it fascinating reading. But it's also eminently practical. In these pages, you will find the techniques for getting the deal you want." -- Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of TO SELL IS HUMAN and DRIVE "Former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss has few equals when it comes to high-stakes negotiations. Whether for your business or your personal life, his techniques work." -- Joe Navarro, former FBI Special Agent and bestselling author of WHAT EVERY BODY IS SAYING "Filled with insights that apply to everyday negotiations." Business Insider "A master of persuasion." Forbes
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Chris Voss spent 24 years working for the FBI, culminating in him becoming the bureau's lead international hostage negotiator. In 2007 he left the organisation and, realising that the skills he had acquired were more widely applicable, began teaching negotiation skills at Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business. He has also taught courses at Harvard Law School and is the head of the Black Swan Group, a consulting firm that leads businesses through difficult negotiations.
Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten
Verlag: Random House Business (23. März 2017)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1847941494
ISBN-13: 978-1847941497
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 1,8 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.6 von 5 Sternen
33 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 11 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Startup! 33 Guerilla Geschäftsideen: ...die NOCH niemand umgesetzt hatSo sehr ich das Harvard-Konzept schätze, haftet dem Buch doch etwas akademischer Staub an. Wer schon mal mit Leuten verhandelt hat, die Fairplay für ein Schimpfwort halten oder vielleicht sogar narzisstisch sind, der weiß, wie unberechenbar und skurril solche Verhandlungen ablaufen können. Genau an diesem Punkt setzt das Buch von Chris Voss an. Als ehemaliger FBI-Negotiator ging es bei seinen Verhandlungen meistens um Leben oder Tod, denn seine Verhandlungspartner waren meistens Kriminelle oder Wahnsinnige. In diesem Kontext sind seine "Techniken" und Konzepte entstanden. Manche der Techniken dürften NLPlern von der Theorie her übrigens bekannt sein. Dies ist eines der Bücher, das ich immer wieder gerne verschenke, weil es "streetwise" UND sehr unterhaltsam geschrieben ist.
If you read this amazing book, you got the reference. You know how important it is to ask questions and let the other part feel they they are in control during the negotiation. Throughout the book, you will get a comprehensive guide with a plethora of actionables that you can and will want to use immediately in any negotiation.Some of my favorite tips for improving your negotiation skills are:* Keep asking (the right) questions in order to lead the negotiation to the outcome you desire.* Focus on open-ended questions instead of those that only allow a bipolar - yes or no - answer.* Slow the negotiation process down.* Make your counterpart feel safe enough to reveal themselves and their deepest needs / motivations.* Mirror someone else's behavior if you want them to rethink their position.* Convey that you are listening. Show empathy by describing to someone how they really feel.* Make a list of the worst things the other party can say about you and revert those accusations in your favor.* Do not fear hearing the word "no" and do not stay away from conflict. Conflict is what triggers the actual negotiation.* While negotiating, look for the magical words "that's right". At that moment, you know you have the full attention of your counterpart.* Be mindful of the adjective "fair" and cautious when dealing with abstract deadlines.* Ask "how" and "what". Use "why" sparingly.* Choose to ignore provocations and emotion-based attacks.* Prepare well for any negotiation and try to identify your counterpart's negotiation style.* Exploit any similarity between you and your counterpart.* Review everything you hear from your counterpart and try to gather any relevant piece of information that might change the course of the negotiation.So many valuable tips in such a concise book! Besides being easy to read, this book is indeed a must-have, because the author, Chris Voss, spent several decades in the FBI. He definitely practised what he preaches and specialized in negotiating hostage situations.To wrap things up, I cannot recommend you this book enough. Please read it! You will get techniques that actually work and are endorsed by authentic examples from the daily life of an FBI agent.Finally, in the appendix, you will get a negotiation preparation 101 to help you with your "one sheet", a file you should have with you to every negotiation that might occur.
I believe the book teaches very important basics to consciously apply empathy so that you understand your counterpart and have an idea what and who you are dealing with.I feel like the book aims to address sales people however the teachings of this can be applied anywhere in life not only sales. I myself work in the enterprise technical support area and deal with people over the phone. No eye contact, I'm unable to read body language but I can definitely recognize frustration and have to apply active listening a lot. The book underlines the importance of tonality which is really important in my case just as in his case as hostage negotiator.Very often I deal with stubborn customers who would not provide important information(not confidential) that would help solve their problems and had difficulties getting what I needed and customer was mandated to provide anyway. Important is how you get that information on a diplomatic way or the ugly way.I also applied the teachings at restaurants or any other store or at the market for example.Definitely works with my children and family and friends so definitely advise the book.I should not rely solely on this book for sales negotiations because I'm sure that is more complex but definitely a good way to start practicing.Good luck
der Autor schreibt super unterhaltsam und spannend, und gibt so viele hilfreiche Tipps! Man erfährt genau, wie man die Strategien am besten anwendet. Manches lässt sich ganz einfach in die normale zwischenmenschliche Interaktion integrieren, und verbessert so auch jenseits von Verhandlungen die Kommunikation. Manches erfordert vermutlich die ersten Male etwas Mut. Insgesamt ist sein System sehr logisch und schlüssig aufgebaut, und überzeugend.Ich kann übrigens auch das Hörbuch sehr empfehlen (das hat sich meine Freundin gekauft, nachdem ich so begeistert war, und ich durfte mithören). Der Sprecher (der glaube ich der Autor selbst ist) hat eine tolle, angenehme Stimme, und man hat den Vorteil, dass man direkt die richtige Betonung von manchen Sachen mitlernt (wobei er sie auch gut mit Worten beschreibt).Dieses Buch lässt sich sehr gut praktisch umsetzen und hat mein Leben bereichert! Ich hoffe sehr, dass ich noch mehr Bücher wie dieses finde!
What a fascinating book, full of interesting anecdotes and applicable advice. I used the tips on bargaining to get a far higher salary than I had expected to land, so buying this book definitely paid off! I find the writing style in the beginning a bit too salesman-like ("buy this book! I'm amazing and my advice will change your life!"), but that lets up a bit later on and is bearable. I just didn't quite see the point when I already HAD bought the book and was clearly already committed to reading it. Otherwise it's really an amazing read, immersive and fascinating.
Tolle Beispiele aus der Erfahrungsschatz des Authors werden verwendet um die erklärten Strategien zu verdeutlichen. Ich kann das Buch bedingungslos weiterempfehlen.
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